Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekly Walk Around the News — Feetfirst

Feet First, the advocacy and educational organization that asks "What if our money for transportation was prioritized for people?" has been at the forefront of many important urbanist policy victories in the Seattle area. I just discovered today that they also are combing through the news for pedestrian policy progress, problems and proposals, so you don't have to.

Check out the Weekly Walk Around the News, from Feetfirst. I love news round ups like this and add this to my list of helpful news gatherers, which includes:

My employer, the Fearey Group, which sends out a daily local news round up called the "Local Wire."

The Sightline Institute, some of the smartest folks you are likely to find on sustainability issues in the greater Cascadia region, put out the "Sightline Daily," the latest sustainability news and analysis from around the Northwest.

The City of Seattle's Office of Economic Development helps you keep your "finger on the pulse" as my mom says with their Daily Digest - the latest business, economic, and industry news.

On the national level, The Infrastructurist gets its hands dirty in the "Daily Dig," a linkfest of transportation infrastructure investment and policy news and analysis.

If you're already a follower of walking/pedestrian issues, be sure to add this one to your list, and send along anything interesting you find to